Prophets who are still alive in Islam

4 Prophets who are still alive

Allah ﷻ sent around 124000 prophets to the world who came from time to time and delivered Allah’s message. Allah ﷻ closed the door of Prophethood on his beloved Muhammad ﷺ. Now, no prophet will come to this world till the Doomsday.First of all, know this thing that all the prophets who came to the world are still alive in their graves because According to the hadith of the last prophet of Allah Muhammad ﷺ, God has made it forbidden on earth to eat the bodies of the prophets.

Here we will talk about the 4 prophets who are still alive in different places. Two are still alive in the sky and two are on the Earth. The two prophets in the sky are Prophet Isa (Jesus) AS and Idris (Enoch) AS. The two prophets on the earth are Khidr (Khizr) AS and the other is Ilyas (Elias) AS.

1.Prophet Isa (Jesus) AS

The first from 4 prophets who are still alive is Isa AS. Allah ﷻ sent Isa AS to the messenger to Bani Israel. When Isa AS invited people to the religion and truth of Allah ﷻ , The Jews became his enemies because it was written in the book of Jews that a prophet of Allah ﷻ would come who would end their religion.

Due to this fear, they planned to kill Isa AS. To fulfill this plan, they sent a person to Isa’s house, when he did not return for a long time, then everyone went to Isa’s house and brought Isa’s look-alike from there and crucified him. In the Quran, Allah ﷻ says from verses number 157 to 159 of Surah An Nisha that Isa AS was neither crucified nor killed, his look-alike was crucified in place of Isa AS. And he was taken alive to the skies.

Footsteps of Jesus in Saood Al-Asama mosque
Footsteps of Jesus at Saood Al-Asama mosque in Palestine.

The person who believes that Isa AS was crucified is rejected from Islam. According to the hadith of the last prophet Muhammad ﷺ before doomsday, Isa AS will descend on the Minaret of the Jama Masjid of Sham city in Damascus (Syria) and will offer Namaz behind Imam Mahdi. Isa AS will live his life according to the Sharia of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ and will die after about 40 years and will be buried close to prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

2.Prophet Idris (Enoch) AS

The Second from 4 prophets who are still alive is Idris AS. His real name is Akhnookh. Allah ﷻ revealed thirty Sahifahs (small books) on him. He often used to give speeches from these Sahifahs, hence his name was Idris. Allah ﷻ has said in verses 56 and 57 of Surah Maryam in the Holy Quran “And mention Idris in this book, he was a true prophet, and we raised him to a high position.” Apart from this, in verse number 85 of Surah Al-Anbiya, Allah ﷻ has mentioned Idris AS among those who were patient along with Ismail AS and Zulkifl AS.

Idris AS was the first to start the custom of Jihad and wearing clothes. Before him, people used to wear leather clothes. He also invented the pen. Once Idris AS asked Azrael (angel of death) AS to show him heaven, to which Azrael AS replied that going to heaven or seeing it is not possible before death.Then Idris AS said to the Izrael AS take my soul. Israel AS took his soul for a few moments on the orders of Allah and then gave him life again. After that Izrael AS took him to show hell and heaven.

When Izrael AS asked him to come back from heaven, Idris AS refused to come back and said that every living thing has to taste death, and everyone has to go through hell. I have done both things. Regarding heaven Allah ﷻ says whoever has come to heaven once will never be thrown out of heaven, so I will not leave heaven now. On this, Allah said to the angel of death Izrael AS that Idris AS said the right thing, So let him stay in heaven.

3.Prophet Khidr (Khizr) AS

The third from 4 prophets who are still alive is khidr AS. Your real name is Balia bin Malkan. Allah ﷻ has narrated the story of Prophet Musa AS and Khidr AS in verses 60 to 82 of Surah Al-kahf in the Holy Quran. Muslim scholars (Mufassirin) said that Khidr AS and Zul-Qarnain AS are searching for the Aab-e-Hayat (water of life). Khidr AS drank the water of life. He is alive even today and will remain alive till the Day of Judgment. Khidr AS helps people even today and also comes to perform Hajj every year.

Story of Khidr AS and Musa (Moses) AS in Holy Quran

Once someone asked Musa AS who has the most knowledge. You replied Allah ﷻ, He further asked who is the next. You replied I am. On this Allah ﷻ asked should I not tell you the address of a person with more knowledge than you? You said yes, and then Allah said that you should go on a journey and keep fried fish with you, wherever that fish becomes alive and goes into the river, you will find that person there.

After that, Musa AS took his servant Yusha bin Nun AS along and started the journey. When he was resting at a place, the fish came alive and went into the river.But Yusha bin Nun AS forgot to tell Musa AS and went ahead. When Musa AS felt hungry, he asked the servant to bring a fish. On this, the servant replied that the fish came alive and went into the river where we stayed. I forgot to tell you, Musa AS said that was the place where we had to go. Then both of them returned to that place and there Musa AS saw a person.

Musa AS greeted him and said Allah ﷻ has sent me to you to gain knowledge. On this, Khizr AS replied you will not be able to have patience with the knowledge that Allah ﷻ has given to me. Musa AS said that you keep me with you and you will find me among those who have patience.Then Khizr AS said, you will not ask me any question until I tell the answer myself.

After that, both of them reached the bank of a river. Sailor helped them cross the river in his boat. As soon as they crossed the river, Khizr AS broke a plank of this boat. Musa AS could not control himself and wanted to know the reason behind it. Khizr AS said I did not say that you will not be able to be patient.Musa AS said, please forgive me this time.

Then both of them started walking and came to a village.Khizr AS says to the people of the village that we are guests, So please feed us. They refused to feed them. While passing through a street, a wall was about to fall. Khizr AS repaired that wall. On this, Musa AS said that the people of the village did not give us food. Why did you repair their wall? Then Khizr AS said, We are separating from each other.

Both of them went ahead. A beautiful child was playing whose neck Khizr AS broke and killed him. When Musa AS saw this, He could not control himself and said why did you kill a small child? On this, Khizr AS replied did I not say that you will not be able to be patient. Musa AS said, please forgive me this time, if I object then do not keep me with you.

Now I will tell you the answer to these. I broke the boat because it belonged to two poor children and it was the only their livelihood.I broke the boat because a cruel king was coming along the river bank who used to snatch people’s boats. If there is any flaw in the boat, he would leave it.

I killed that child because his parents were very pious. The child would have become a very bad man when he grew up. Allah ﷻ will give them pious children in return. Muslim scholars have written that Allah ﷻ gave them a girl child from whose lineage seventy prophets were born.

I repaired the wall because it was the wall of two orphan children under which their pious father had hidden the treasure. If this wall fell, people would have taken away their treasure. By the time this wall falls, both these children will have grown up and they will get this treasure.

There is a difference of opinion among the Mufassirin (Muslim scholars) whether Khizr AS is a Prophet or Wali (Saint). Most Mufassirin considered him a Prophet because the knowledge of a Wali cannot be more than Prophet..

4.Prophet Ilyas (Elijah) AS

The last from 4 prophets who are still alive is Ilyas AS. Allah ﷻ has mentioned Ilyas AS in two places in the holy Quran. In verse number 85 of Surat-al-Anaam in the Quran, Allah ﷻ has mentioned Ilyas among the pious people along with Yahya AS and Isha AS. In verse number 123 to 132 of Surat-as-Saffat, Allah ﷻ has mentioned Ilyas AS in this way- Certainly, Ilyas was among the messengers….., peace be upon Ilyas.

Cave of Ilyas AS in Haifa
Cave of Ilyas AS in Haifa

He is from the lineage of Haroon AS. When he forbade Bani Israel from worshipping the idol named Baal, his community became his enemy.For many years Ilyas AS kept giving the message of Allah ﷻ to his community, When his community did not listen, he went to the mountain and gave the caliphate to his cousin brother Al-Yasa AS and rode a white horse and disappeared of the people. You live in mountains, forests, and plains and come every year to perform Hajj. You will die in the last days when the Holy Quran will be lifted to the skies.

‘O Allah ﷻ whatever we have said if it is true to accept it. If it is false we ask you to forgive Us. Ameen